Mar 26, 2024
Whenever I find myself baffled by a trend or even a specific decision in the traditional media world, I look to Jay Rosen for his perspective. Rosen is a former editor at the Chicago Tribune and a professor of journalism at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.
He’s risen in prominence...
Mar 19, 2024
Sigh. It’s been a little while since the last time the former president went on a rant like the one on Saturday in Dayton, Ohio. It was awful enough to make headlines and to send his sycophants into damage control over what their idol actually meant.
Context is the argument this time, something which Donald Trump has...
Mar 12, 2024
It can be tough to be a minority of any kind. We talk about that toughness in cultural terms regularly in America. Whether it is a minority religion, gender or race, being outnumbered is rarely meaningless or easy.
Senate Democrats in Indiana would love to be in that standard minority. Their minority isn’t standard...
Mar 5, 2024
When paying close attention to the things politicians actually say, there are moments when their true character unmistakably shines through. The memorable comments and quips are often material for statues and memorials. Successful politicians fight the urge to be blunt because of the historical danger bluntness brings....