Jul 27, 2022
I couldn’t get the song out of my head on Monday at the Statehouse. I stood in line for an hour to get into the building to attend a rally in support of women’s reproductive rights. My old lobbyist badge that used to allow me to skip those lines expired long ago, so there I waited with all the other angry people.
Jul 20, 2022
It’s not a surprise to those of us who have been watching it grow, stagnate, and then grow some more. But when the State of Indiana closed out its books for the fiscal year last week, the news about it still should have made more of an impression on Hoosiers than it did.
Indiana ended the year with $6.1...
Jul 13, 2022
I was speeding through Georgia this past Sunday and I couldn’t help looking for political billboards. Then I saw it. A “Now Hiring” billboard for state troopers, with instructions to apply at gatrooper.com. As an occasional government watchdog, I was fascinated by this whole new strategy for filling one of...
Jul 6, 2022
Last Thursday, as reported by Casey Smith of the Indiana Capital Chronicle, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb said he’ll sign any abortion-restricting measures that make it to his desk during the upcoming special legislative session. “I don’t have any red lines right now,” the governor said.
That is a remarkable place...